Again, welcome to the Heartland Hash House Harriers. Now it's time to tell a little about the Hash. |Hashing in General|The Heartland Hash House Harriers|Hash Tips| Excerpted from Chapter 2 of the Global Trash Hash Bible Regardless of the style of the hash, all is in good fun and this "drinking club with a running problem" welcomes all with a sense of humor. Hashing has created a fraternity that knows no geographical bounds of hospitality. You're as welcome at one group as another, although there are still a few traditional "all male", fewer "harriette" and even more rare "by membership" or "social status" only groups left out there. The only prerequisite to hashing is a sense of humor, as running and athletic ability usually take a back seat to the social aspects of the sport. As reportedly coined by Hong Kong hasher Phil Kirkland and stated in hash flyers frequently: "If you've half a mind to join the hash, Hashing also knows no age boundaries, with family hashes and horrors or children's hashes, as well as members from all ages in the regular hashes. There are hashers like "Papa Bear" of the Huachuca Hash House Harriers and others who have actively hashed in their seventies or even older.
|Hashing in General|The Heartland Hash House Harriers|Hash Tips| Heartland Hash House HarriersNow to tell you a little about our hash group. The Heartland Hash House Harriers, H4 for short, are located in Leavenworth, Kansas. We are closely associated with the Kansas City H3 and we often times share hash events. We have a small core of regular hashers, including myself "Tinklebells", the Grand Mattress for the H4. We also experience a large amount of turn over with all of the military students who travel through Ft Leavenworth for schooling. Our standard hash is about 3-5 miles with a beer stop near the middle and of course beer at the beginning and end. The hash starts with 1 - 3 hares taking off at the appointed time. The pack gives the hares a ten minute head start. At the end of the ten minutes the pack begins to walk on the trail for 3 minutes. Once the three minutes are up the pack begins to run and follow the trail. The veteran hashers carry whistles and blow the whistle to signify that they are on trail. If you are lost, listen for the whistles and move to the sound of the whistles. If you are a hash virgin and do not have a whistle, yell "ON-ON" if you are on trail. To find out more about the markings we use click here. At the end of the hash we do down-downs (drinking beer) for various infractions and we have any virgins and visiting hashers introduce themselves, tell us where they are from and who made them come. |Hashing in General|The Heartland Hash House Harriers|Hash Tips| Hashing TipsWhat follows is not based on any scientific evidence but rather on my own rambling hash experiences =)